Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mexican and Michoacan ideas for Avocado Peels

Tonight I made a carrot face mask, baked zucchini chips, spinach soup base, avocado seeds to plant, avocado peels for parasite tea and facials...froze thyme, basil stalks, lime rinds

According to a site I found on Michoacan medicine, you can boil the peel of an avocado in 1⁄2 quart of water, and drink a cup daily before breakfast, for two weeks to get rid of intestinal parasites. I've heard that a lot of us have these wormies in our guts, even here in the 'first world' and walk around not knowing it. Vegetarians and meat eaters both. There are different opinions on the presence of these parasites and it's ok-ness for your health. There was a girl in my massage class that had gone to energy healing school. In one of her healing treatments she discovered that she had some parasites and was of the philosophy that getting rid of them would be really great. A friend of mine that practices the primal diet tells me that many practicers of the diet (which eschews the eating of daily portions of raw meat and milk) believe that parasites are indeed good for your body, up to a point of saturation. They believe this to be true because parasites should only eat dead tissue, and by doing so they help you to maintain better health. I dunno. I think I lean towards trying a parasite cleanse though. Worms in my gut are not a pretty idea, healthy or no. An added benefit of avocado peel tea is that it supposedly gets rid of menstral cramps. Also it is said that the peel of the avocado can help to alleviate headaches. Apply it like a headache plaster on both temples, holding in place with a handkerchief
tied around the head.

Another thing I discovered on this site is a medicinal use for avocado seeds, which you can soak in alcohol as a cure for rheumatism. To prepare the infusion, soak three seeds in 1⁄2 quart of alcohol; then add 1⁄2 quart more and let the mixture sit for one week. Then rub the affected part with the concoction and cover the area completely with a piece of flannel.

Here are some brainstorms I had about other things I could do with the avocado peels:
use as fertilizer
make candle boats
make regular miniature sailboats
use as a plant pot
make avocado wax (by boiling the peel?)
use as a face /elbow/knee scrub
sew together once dried, to make a textured bath mat
make it into a soup bowl by covering the inside with self-dry clay, or just by using while still fresh
chia island or organic kitchen sprout bowl
a turtle island for a pet turtle (that i don't have)
pumice soap
use the peel to texturize a box or a faux leather purse (could make the 'purse' out of cardboard)

and for the avocado seeds?
a bottle cork
a table cloth weight (when tied to a table cloth like a large heavy bead or sinker)
squeeze for oil

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