Monday, December 29, 2008

Garbage Crafting

I'm creating this blog as a place to be creative and rethink refuse in a myriad of ways. I've always had a fascination with trash and it's reuse, and I especially notice this urge in the workplace. I've worked a lot of jobs in my lifetime..the short list is:
Lemonade Stand Juicer
Aquaculture Researcher
Office Manager
Computer Programmer
Stage Hand
Sound Engineer
TV Station Master Controller
Photo Archives Scanner
Nursing Home Nurse's Assistant
1-hour photo developer
Student photographer
Post-Katrina Volunteer
Substitute Teacher
Data Entry Specialist
Personal Assistant
Raw Vegan Chef
Pizza Deliverer
Labor-Ready employee

During a few of these jobs I have found myself at times, bored, with time on my hands, staring at the trash bin, and creatively musing. I don't know that most people could relate to this, but my fascination has yielded all kinds of work-junk related craft projects, and dreams of future craft projects. I was thinking about this one day while mentally breaking down the visual contents of our compost bin at my current workplace (a raw vegan kitchen), and decided it would be a really cool and absolutely important subject in which to generate collective interest. So in this blog I will be taking a look at my work junk, and also I will be talking to other workers about their junk. One project I am going to try is the challenge of using all the trash we generate in a week at my work, and making sellable crafts/foods/folk remedies/dyes/etc out of it's contents and see how much I generate. I would love to create a work-junk crafts co-op of some sort, where we meet once a week and workshop and trade around all the junk we create at work. And this is where we begin today.

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