Friday, March 13, 2009

Kale Stalks and Collard Stalks...

...are the new carrot stick. I brought a ton of these home from work and have been snacking on them a lot this week. Excellent. Simple. Very healthy. Very overpriced at the grocery store (the whole leaf that is). Also planning on making some stir fry out of it. Other finds include: mushroom water (yes, i finally safely made it home with intact gourmet mushroom water), papaya peels and seeds, won bok outer leaves, and mint stalks. Planning on making a nice mushroom rice dish with the water, grinding up the peels and concocting a face mask out of them which I will try and freeze so that it will keep longer, drying out the seeds for later planting and use(dried papaya seeds grow just great btw), and stuffed wonbok? I've also been thinking that the next thing I want to do is to begin making vegetable prints using interesting transecting cuts of the veggies I bring home. Such great geometrical patterns in so many veggies. Onions, lettuce, Won Bok, pineapple peel, green onion roots, avocado peels, and coconut husks all come to mind. Also, I looked up the uses of strawberry leaves as a tea and medicinal, here are some of it's uses.

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